OpenSSLDevOpsCommon OpenSSL Commands and Using Let's EncryptOpenSSL conversions OpenSSL is a toolkit for generating and working with certificates, as well as a…Alexandru PuiuOctober 27, 2019 1 min
Fast Blog 3/4DevOpsBuilding a fast and secure blog - Part 3So far the website should be performing quite well, and if desired, some local cache will make it…Alexandru PuiuOctober 27, 2019 7 min
Fast Blog 1/4DevOpsBuilding a fast and secure blog - Part 1I find wordpress to be sufficient for my needs for a blog, so it's my go-to for a really simple site…Alexandru PuiuOctober 26, 2019 2 min
Health ChecksC# / .NETHealth checks in .net coreThe idea with Health checks is that the application is the best one to know about the state of its…Alexandru PuiuOctober 17, 2019 1 min
HSMDevOpsHardware Security Modules (HSMs)A hardware security module (HSM) is a physical computing device that safeguards and manages digital…Alexandru PuiuApril 08, 2019 4 min
SonarQube with Azure DevOpsDevOpsInstalling and configuring SonarQube with Azure DevOps/TFSIf you care about code quality and maintainability, then a static code analysis tool is a must, and…Alexandru PuiuDecember 08, 2018 7 min